
Grantees are required to submit an evaluation either before applying for additional funding or one year from the award date (whichever is first). You may submit your evaluation as soon as the activities are completed, or include it with your next application.

MY Museum’s Creation Station

The purpose of the evaluation is to communicate the impact of your program but also show growth and areas of learning. The evaluation should report on the organizations’ goals and targets that were highlighted in the original application. We are looking to develop strong relationships with grantee organizations and do not see the evaluation as a punitive tool, but the start of a conversation. If goals have not been met, please simply explain the situation and what steps might be taken to improve outcomes in future programs.

The evaluation includes a few questions that should not exceed two pages to answer (preferably less). It also includes a profit and loss statement from your most recent fiscal year.

Multi-year Grants

If your organization was awarded a multi-year grant, a short interim report will be due prior to receiving the next disbursement. You grant agreement will have the due date and details. 


Please feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions or concerns.

Lynn Bentaleb, Executive Director
(831) 375-3311